Making Known Unto The Church The Manifold Wisdom Of God

Holiness Unto The Lord
This website exists for the purpose of archiving and spreading Brother Pike's inspired message of Revelation & Holiness.
In the "Quotes" section you'll find excerpts from specific messages. Each blog post represents an audio sermon that was preached by Brother Pike. Within the blog posts are individual verbatim quotes from the sermons. The blogs may be searched in order to find exact things that were said by Brother Pike regarding specific subjects while he was under the anointing.
In the "Literature" section you'll find inspired writings and transcriptions in the form of sermon books, which are intended for in depth teaching on certain subjects, and gospel tracts, which are ideal for mass distribution. All of our literature was authored by Brother Pike, and is available free of charge. We offer many things in several different languages, so send us a message if you need a certain translation. Please let us know how many copies you can wisely use.
At the top and bottom of this home page you'll find three different links. Our Facebook page is used for posting inspired quotes, pictures, song lyrics, and other ministry-related media. Our YouTube channel is the largest collection of video-taped services with Rev. Pike preaching. Transology.info is a website owned and operated by the brethren of Christian Temple in Sophia, North Carolina, and contains the largest collection of audio-sermons by Rev. Pike, which number in the thousands and span from 1964 to 1996.
Rev. George Leon Pike, Sr. began his ministry in the early 50's. He moved to the property in Monroe, GA. that would later be known as Little Bethlehem and Love's Temple in 1970. He ended his earthly ministry in 1996, having served a lifetime for the Body of Christ. In his early ministry, most likely sometime in the early 1960's, God gave unto him a message known as The Revelation of Jesus Christ. He believed this message to be the final light of understanding, and the truth that would translate the church. He taught scripture in a three-dimensional projection, showing great significance in understanding every aspect of life on all three levels. A fundamental element in his ministry was the preaching of Holiness. Brother Pike believed that for a person to be a true Christian they would not only have the spirit of Holiness in their heart, but also that they would walk in purity, cleanliness and sobriety, honoring The Lord in all avenues of daily life. He was a man of continual prayer, and known all around for his humility and eagerness to give. He evangelized across dozens of countries, and printed gospel literature in dozens of languages. This website is is for the Children of God who want to learn more about this inspired ministry. May The Lord richly bless you as you read through some of the quotes that shed spiritual light on so many beloved subjects.

"The deeper the water, the greater the challenge; but the pearl of great price shall not be found in shallow places."
Rev. George Leon Pike, Sr.
Contact Us
This website was created by Rev. Pike's grandson, Brother Christian Pike. All inquiries and prayer requests will be received by him
We also offer free gospel literature, which includes sermon books and tracts by Rev. George L. Pike. Please send us a message or email with your address, and we'll be honored to ship as many as you can wisely use free of charge.