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  • Writer's pictureChristian Pike

Building Your Own Coffin - 1993 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.

"I like light, I like understanding. I am a child of light. And that's what we're supposed to be, and we're supposed to love The Lord. Love The Lord, meditate in His laws day and night. Cast down imagination, every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God. Bring into captivity to the obedience of Jesus Christ every thought, to give Him His body because it belongs to God, and it's been stolen away by the mind of Lucifer. So I like to love Him. I say, do you love The Lord with all of your heart? One would say, "Well of course I do." Then I say, where is your love and affection? Why is it that you own houses and lands and cars, pretty faces and pretty forms and conversation, and to ride, to eat, to drink, to go and whatever? Why is it that your heart is to the affection (and as a man thinketh in his heart so he is)? Why is it that it's on everything but on God? Or I say, do you love The Lord with all of your strength? And someone would say, "Well of course." I'd say, well where do you put your strength? Why is it that you go and you ride and you buy and you sell, and you've always got your time, as to strength, to invest in everything, whether it's jogging or whatever it might be, or making yourself a career in everything but in God? Why isn't your strength given to evangelizing, or testifying, or doing something on the home-front to God? Or, why is it that it is not from early morning unto night that you put all of your strength to God? Why do you put it in another direction as to seeking the things, the materialistic values of the world? See, do you love Him with all of your strength? And if you do love Him with all your strength, and when you have been out and God has blessed you, why is it the strength that you invested to get whatever you got, why is it that you do not do anything for the widows and the orphans to help them, or invest in the gospel to reach people (in that your labor represents your strength)? See, with all of my mind. I say, do you love The Lord with all of your mind? Someone would say, "Well sure." Then I say, well why do you think on everything but God? You think on your job, your business, your money, how much you're gonna make, what you're doing. You think on your face, you think on your clothing. You just buy, sell, go, ride, laugh, talk, visit and gossip, and all these kind of things. I say, is that loving The Lord with all of your mind? Isn't loving The Lord with all of your mind casting down imagination and bringing every thought into subjection to The Lord?"

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