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Christian Pike
Mar 6, 20193 min read
God's Government - 1980 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"I believe today I can repeat the words of John Wesley, you'd be better off to send your child to the devil than to send him to a public...
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Christian Pike
Mar 6, 20193 min read
Garden Explained - 1985 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"When we consider the next thought, in that Cain went out from the presence of The Lord, that really tells us something in that he went...
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Christian Pike
Mar 6, 20192 min read
The Law - 1976 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"We are searching for life. What is life? Jesus said, "My words are spirit, and my words," He said, "they are life." Oh if you could...
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Christian Pike
Mar 6, 20194 min read
Spirit Witness - 1969 - Preached in Olive Branch, MS.
"I wanna tell you about a vision I had this morning. Most of the brethren I've already told it to them, and I wanna mention it. The Lord...
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Christian Pike
Mar 6, 20192 min read
Virtue is the Key to Power - 1988 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"David of old was always falling in love. Every time he saw a woman he fell in love. And the first news you know he had one wife, and two...
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Christian Pike
Mar 6, 20192 min read
Events of Spiritual Revelation - 1975 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"I told you, I said the other day there'd be a move in the earth that would gather all the false together, it would be a miracle-working...
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Christian Pike
Mar 6, 20197 min read
The Rapture is At Hand - 1980 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"If you try to cut corners, and if you take what you owe another man, and you take that away from that man when you made an obligation,...
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Christian Pike
Mar 6, 20193 min read
The Coming of The Lord - 1979 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"I know I've got some good people, I know that I have. I'm very thankful for you. I appreciate every one of you. I love you, I wanna help...
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Christian Pike
Mar 6, 20192 min read
The Coming of Moses and Elijah - 1992 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"We're glad to have you tonight. We appreciate you. You're my children, spiritual children in The Lord. We love you, we wanna help you....
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Christian Pike
Mar 6, 20193 min read
The Dispute Over the Body - 1987 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"Brother Pike do you believe that Brother Branham was the seventh angel, or, do you believe he was the last angel?" Well the question is,...
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Christian Pike
Mar 6, 20196 min read
Heavenly Reward - 1985 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"Now we went over across the line into Miami, and there we was tired, weary. Was working on a little chart, and I got weary and tired,...
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Christian Pike
Mar 6, 20193 min read
Two Kinds of Grace - 1975 - Preached in Sardis, MS.
"I come here to the house of God, you come here to the house of God. Why do you come to the house of God? Somebody would say, "I come to...
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Christian Pike
Mar 6, 20193 min read
Repent or Perish - 1994 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"When I come up here I keep talking to you over and over, hoping that you'll make a change. And today I seen some change in the brethren,...
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Christian Pike
Mar 6, 20192 min read
Royal Blood - 1975 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"A lot of people speak of the serpent seed. I don't see the serpent seed like they do. I tell 'em openly I don't see it like they do....
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