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Christian Pike
Mar 18, 20192 min read
Love-Bond of Perfection - 1975 - Preached in Abaco, Bahamas
"You know, a lot of people misconstrue faith, and they have the idea that they're saved, and they go around believing that they're on...
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Christian Pike
Mar 18, 20191 min read
Slow of Heart to Believe - 1979 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"The translation of the church is taking place and you are being left. Oh somebody would say, "Brother Pike when that great translation...
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Christian Pike
Mar 18, 20191 min read
The Revelation of Jesus Christ - 1968 - Preached in Olive Branch, MS.
"Now this is gonna be a big statement, but I'm gonna say it: It's a fact that the move that we've had through the earth, the religious...
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Christian Pike
Mar 18, 20192 min read
The Apostolic Succession - 1981 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"Many times, many hours, many days pass. I've set and talked with some of the brethren that are spiritual for hours and hours concerning...
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Christian Pike
Mar 18, 20191 min read
Majors and Minors - 1979 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"Brothers and sisters, unless we have that perfect faith then we are not going to make it into the Kingdom of God. We've got to get away...
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Christian Pike
Mar 18, 20192 min read
Be Like the Word - 1994 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"You may not understand this when I say this, but there is one thing that God esteems even above His name, and that is, His word. See,...
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Christian Pike
Mar 18, 20193 min read
The Faith of Christ - 1994 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"So then God is looking at you and me as that which is in Christ Jesus. "I have made you complete in Him, you are complete in Him....
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Christian Pike
Mar 18, 20191 min read
Have Faith in God - 1990 - Preached in Las Vegas, NV.
"The Bible said God has called us unto virtue and glory, and folks there's no glory where there's no virtue. If we don't have virtue we...
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Christian Pike
Mar 18, 20191 min read
Death Conquered - 1969 - Location Unknown
"Book of Revelation in the eighth chapter, and start here at the seventh trumpet. I don't know how much I'm gonna talk about concerning...
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Christian Pike
Mar 18, 20192 min read
God in His Temple - 1975 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"But here the Jews stood waiting for something, hoping for something, trying to get a hold of something, but The Lord blinded 'em. They...
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Christian Pike
Mar 18, 20191 min read
After Calvary - 1975 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"Faith is nothing less or more than believing from the heart."
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Christian Pike
Mar 18, 20192 min read
The Garden of Today - 1996 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"So the lie was born. He said, "Ye shall not surely die, but God does know in the day that you eat thereof your eyes shall come open, and...
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Christian Pike
Mar 18, 20191 min read
God's Will - 1968 - Preached in Atlanta, GA.
"So then God, He doesn't cause the storm. That's why the son of God, He wasn't divided against His father, He was God made manifest in...
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Christian Pike
Mar 13, 20191 min read
The Bride - 1964 - Preached in Gainesville, GA.
"I've made the statement in preaching the message on The Mark of the Beast: Look at 'em around you. When you see their football teams,...
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Christian Pike
Mar 13, 20193 min read
Free From Sin - 1990 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"It's still a sad situation to find that in the greater part of the world, that men are not going on with God (as in the ministry). And...
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Christian Pike
Mar 13, 20192 min read
A Woman's Place - 1974 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"This is why that a woman cannot be a preacher. Ladies you can say 'amen' or 'oh me', or 'tell him to shut up.' But this is for sure,...
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Christian Pike
Mar 13, 20192 min read
Passing from Death Unto Life - 1976 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"As I say, when we think of the mark we think of the end of the world, and we think of some man coming that's going to pass out the mark...
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Christian Pike
Mar 13, 20192 min read
Break the Clay Pitcher - 1994 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
"So then we know that the time is at hand. We know that the end of the world is here. We know that something has happened, and the thing...
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Christian Pike
Mar 13, 20191 min read
The Full Reward - 1985 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
“He said that He would give to certain people His new name. God said, “I will give you a new name. Because you have kept my name (the...
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Christian Pike
Mar 13, 20191 min read
The Beast Image - 1975 - Preached at Love's Temple in Monroe, GA.
“I said that America, here, this would end in a racial conflict of strife and envy and bloodshed, to bring forth a spiritual man-child...
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